Food Identification What Is The Difference Between Packet Milk Tetra Pack Milk And Raw Dairy Milk

Food Identification What Is The Difference Between Packet Milk Tetra Pack Milk And Raw Dairy Milk

Packet Milk: The shelf life of raw milk obtained from animals is not much, so it becomes a big responsibility to deliver this natural milk to the customer as soon as possible. Meanwhile, many times the milk of the filled tanks also spoils, for which the cattle herders and dairy farmers have to bear the loss. This is the reason why in this modern era pasteurization of milk This is done, due to which the bacteria of milk gets destroyed and its shelf life also increases for a few days. Today, if we look at the market of milk, three types of milk are available, whose sources are dairy farms only.

These include packet milk, tetra pack and raw milk, but the highest demand is for packet milk, because it is easily available on street corners. While raw milk delivered from door to door is considered the best, but tetra pack has the highest shelf life. Milk manufacturers call tetra pack and packet milk absolutely safe and healthy, but is this packaged milk good for your health? To know this, one has to have a look at its entire process.

Raw milk is obtained from animals
The source of the milk that is reaching your home is animals only. First of all, milk is collected from village to village at the Milk Collection Center. Many cattle herders deliver milk directly to their homes. This raw milk is also of two types, one organic and one in-organic.

  • Organic milk is called the purest milk, because no injection is given to animals to get this milk. This is a completely natural and organic process, in which there is no use of any kind of chemical.
  • In-organic milk is generally not considered good for health, because in this process animal feed is also adulterated and animals are also injected for more milk. Some part of chemical also comes in milk, which also reaches your body through milk.

How is packet milk made?
Today many companies are providing packet milk in the market. The source of this milk is also animals, but a process is followed to keep this milk for a long time. This milk is called pasteurization or homogenized milk, which is first heated and cooled immediately, so that bacteria and impurities are removed. It is prepared in three ways, which include toned milk, double toned milk and full cream milk. Full cream milk has more fat and nutrients, while fat is removed in toned and double toned milk. After this we close it in poly pouch. It is cooled and sealed in bags. This is a different type of plastic, in which there is no harm if cold milk is kept.

how tetra pack milk is made
Very few people know that Tetra Pak milk is considered to be the safest and most nutritious. The process of making it is also different. In fact, milk is heated at the ultra-high temperature before being sealed in a 6-layer tetra pack box and kept at this temperature for some time. Milk is heated rapidly and cooled immediately. In this way the harmful bacteria present in the milk are destroyed, after which the milk is sealed in tetra packs.

which milk is the safest
Although milk derived from natural and organic process is said to be the safest, but bacteria and harmful elements are present in this milk, which can be used only after boiling or heating the milk. On the other hand, tetra pack milk is made pure and safe through a process, which you can drink directly from the pack. There is no adulteration in this milk and it can be used for a long time after pasteurization or homogenization.

what is the truth of milk
Today the consumption of milk is increasing, but the quality of milk and the way of selling it is still in dispute. It has been revealed in many researches that only tetra pack milk which is bacteria virus free and sealed in 6 layers is the best, while in small towns only raw milk obtained from animals is considered good.

Actually this is also an issue of access to milk. If natural-organic milk reaches you, boil it well and use it. There is no better option than this, but when people living in the city think about the availability of good milk, experts also recommend using tetra pack milk.

Even today there are many rumors and irony regarding the milk sold in plastic packets. In many research, it has been said to be harmful because the plastic bag used for storing milk contains BPA (Chemical Bisphenol A), which is dangerous, but in many research it has also been told that the plastic gets decomposed only when exposed to the sun’s rays. Milk from pouches contains BPA. If it is stored in the freezer then it is completely healthy.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on some media reports and information. Before implementing any information, consult the concerned expert.

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